Quad Collaborative resources are here to serve you with
Quad Collaborative is not satisfied with just being a leader in the higher education consulting space. Our goal is to exceed customer expectations daily as we work with institutions to resolve concerns surrounding declining enrollment, student retention, increased competition, adjusting business models, and changing demographics.
Going above and beyond, Quad Collaborative is setting the standard in the higher education consulting space. We take ownership for helping with serious impediments facing schools such as rising costs, decreased funding, student affordability and increasing student debt.
As you will experience in our daily work, we will not just talk about the problems, but we will "walk the talk" as we provide a three point commitment to our clients. First, we will set our rates 20-50% below the industry average, reducing the expense for schools as they seek assistance in achieving their goals. Next, Quad Collaborative is committed to helping students directly by establishing a non-profit scholarship program, funded by at least 10% of Quad Collaborative's annual profits. Finally, we will commit to a satisfaction guarantee for our work. If a client ever believes that we have not provided value in accordance with our commitment, we will work to satisfy our clients immediately or adjust our invoices. We never want to be viewed as another obstacle for successful students.